Growing up in my house there was never a dull moment. When I was younger, my daddy taught us all to work. We had to work. There was no option. He was self-employed with his own construction company, so we all had to learn how to do construction work. Back in the early years, My father worked a lot of men who couldn't get jobs anywhere else. Some of these men didn't have the opportunity to go to school because they had to enter the workforce really young in order to take care of their family's needs.
I remember distinctively two men who could not tell time. One of them always wore a watch, even though he couldn't tell time. Well, the one who did not have a watch and couldn't tell time went to the man who had the watch on but couldn't tell time. (Remember this would have been before there were digital watches.) So, when the man without the watch went to the man with the watch he asked him, "What time is it?" thinking that it was about time for lunch. The man who couldn't tell time held it up in the other man's face and said, "There it is right there!" The gentleman who also couldn't tell time looked at it knowing that he couldn't tell time either and said, "I'll be dogged if it ain't". They both walked off not knowing what time it was even though there was a time piece there to tell them, but they just couldn't read it. The Bible says, that we have not because we ask not. In this scenario, there were two men who could have not only gotten the right time if they had asked, but they could have learned how to tell time, if they were not too proud to admit that they couldn't. A lot of Christians are like that. They would rather look like they know something knowing that they don't know it rather than to admit that they don't know and learn what they really need to know. The temptation is always there to look better than you really are. You can't get help like that. You have got to admit: "I don't know." Once you admit it, you can go to the right person (or the right place) to get the right answers, and equip yourself to know exactly what time it is!
AuthorPastor Earl Goings shares his thoughts on everyday concerns. Comments Are Welcomed